
Sampling is a quick way to confirm if a material contains asbestos or other hazardous materials

  • Tweezers holding a small bundle of asbestos fibres for analysis

    Asbestos Material Sampling

    Asbestos material sampling is the process of collecting physical samples from suspected or known asbestos containing materials. These samples are then analysed in a UKAS accredited laboratory to confirm the presence and type of asbestos fibres. The primary purpose of asbestos material sampling is to accurately identify if a material contains asbestos. For more information please visit our Asbestos Material Sampling page

  • Wheeled orange excavator digging soil for asbestos material

    Soil Sampling

    Asbestos soil sampling is a specialised process used to detect and quantify the presence of asbestos fibres in the soil. It's a crucial step in environmental assessments and remediation efforts, especially in areas where asbestos contamination is a concern. For more information please visit our Soil Sampling page.

  • Close up of a microscope lenses analysing asbestos


    Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) sampling or SEM analysis is used to provide a comprehensive analysis of materials at the micro and nanoscale. It offers high-resolution imaging, which helps identify the presence of individual asbestos fibres. This can be particularly useful if you want to take dust and debris samples. For more information please visit our SEM analysis page.

  • Flaking lead paint on metal with rust showing through

    Lead Paint

    Up until the mid 1960’s, lead was used to make some kinds of paint for windows, doors and other woodwork as well as for some metal items, like radiators. A few minor uses continued until the 1980’s. We provide fast and accurate testing of paint to confirm if it contains lead. For more information please visit our Lead Paint page.

  • Anthrax bacteria cultures on petri dishes


    Anthrax is a bacterium which lives as spores in the hairs of livestock animals such as horse, cow, ox & goat. These hairs were used as a binding agent in lime plaster which is commonly used in older buildings, when the plaster is disturbed the spores can become airborne. If the spores are breathed in the bacteria can multiply, spread out in the body, produce toxins and cause severe illness. For more information please visit our Anthrax page.

Not Sure Which Type of Sample You Need?

The type of sample you need depends on your requirements. Please call or email us so we can advise you on the best sampling strategy to suit your needs.

Multicoloured signpost showing heights of volcanoes in Ecuador

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