Asbestos Surveys

Asbestos surveys are essential to identify where asbestos is located in your building

  • Yellow front door of London town house with black metal railings


    An asbestos management survey is a comprehensive inspection to identify any asbestos containing materials (ACMs) present within a premises that could be disturbed during normal occupancy. Management surveys are conducted to ensure the safety of all building users by identifying asbestos materials and providing a full survey report. For more information please visit our Management Survey page.

  • Interior of a house being refurbished.The ceiling is propped with acro props


    Asbestos refurbishment surveys are conducted before renovation or refurbishment projects. Their primary purpose is to identify asbestos containing materials (ACMs) that may be disturbed during the planned works. Refurbishment surveys involve intrusive investigation to identify asbestos materials that may be concealed in the fabric of the building. For more information please visit our Refurbishment Survey page.

  • Interior of a house being refurbished. The ceiling is propped with acro props


    An asbestos demolition survey is conducted prior to a building, structure or section of a building being demolished. The primary purpose of this survey is to identify any asbestos containing materials (ACMs) in the building so they can be removed before the demolition begins. For more information please visit our Demolition Survey page.

  • Close up of Magnifying glass laying on a computer keyboard


    An asbestos re-inspection survey is a follow up assessment conducted at regular intervals in buildings or structures where asbestos containing materials (ACMs) have been identified. The purpose of this survey is to monitor the condition of known ACMs, update the asbestos register and ensure ongoing compliance with asbestos management regulations and safety standards. For more information please visit our Re-Inspection Survey page.

Not Sure Which Survey You Need?

The survey you need depends on your property type and what are doing with it. Please call or email us so we can advise you on the best survey to suit your needs.

-	Multicoloured signpost showing heights of volcanoes in Ecuador

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