Asbestos Management Survey
Conducted to identify asbestos materials in residential, commercial & industrial buildings
The primary purpose of this survey is to ensure the safety of occupants, workers, and maintenance staff by identifying potential asbestos hazards and outlining necessary measures for their management.
Our Asbestos Management Survey Includes…
Identification of Asbestos
Our experienced surveyors will identify asbestos materials by visual inspection and sampling of any suspect materials.
Our management surveys include inspection of all accessible areas of the building and minor intrusive investigation.
Our reports include recommendations for safe management of the asbestos materials to ensure they do not pose a risk to building users.
Sampling and Analysis
Samples of suspected asbestos materials taken by our surveyors are analysed in a UKAS accredited laboratory to confirm the presence of asbestos.
Survey Report
Our report includes clear plans, photographs and sample analysis results as well as the location, type & condition of asbestos materials.
Risk Assessment
Our surveyors calculate a material risk assessment of the potential for asbestos materials to release asbestos fibres into the air.
An asbestos survey is not an asbestos management plan. An asbestos management plan is a separate document which outlines how asbestos materials will be safely managed and monitored. Please visit our Asbestos Management Plan page for more information.
Why do I Need a Management Survey?
Compliance with the control of asbestos regulations
Safety of building occupants
Identify if you have asbestos in your home or workplace
Understand the risks from asbestos in your building
Outline the options for management of asbestos materials
Starting point for ongoing asbestos management and safety within a building
Duties and Responsibilities…
Non-Domestic Premises
An asbestos management survey must be conducted for all non-domestic premises. Examples include industrial and commercial buildings, offices, shops, farms, hospitals, schools, and leisure centres, as well as vehicles, and offshore installations.
Domestic Landlords
Domestic premises are not normally covered by the duty to manage however you have a duty of care to any employees or contractors you send into your property, to ensure they do not disturb any asbestos materials and put themselves or others at risk.
Domestic Premises
If you own or rent a domestic premises you do not have a legal obligation to carry out an asbestos management survey to your home. However it is essential to know if you have asbestos in your home so it can be safely managed.
Communal Areas
An asbestos management survey is required for the communal areas of flats and housing schemes. Examples of communal areas include foyers, corridors, lift shafts, staircases, boiler rooms, vertical risers, gardens, courtyards, garages and stores.
Contact us.
Get in touch with us today for advice, guidance or a quote.