Asbestos Management Plan
Outlines how to effectively manage asbestos in buildings & ensure compliance
The primary aim of this plan is to safeguard the health and safety of building occupants and maintenance workers by outlining the responsibilites and actions required to effectively manage the asbestos materials.
Our Asbestos Management Plans Include…
Responsibilities and Duties
Our asbestos management plan sets out the responsibilities of the duty holder and key members of staff for managing the asbestos in their buildings.
Priority Risk Assessments
Details the asbestos materials in risk order taking into account human occupancy and provides appropriate recommendations for effective management based on the risk score.
Release of Information
How and when information about the asbestos containing material is shared with relevant parties. This is essential to ensure everyone is well informed about potential risks.
Contractor Sign off Sheets
Forms for contractors to confirm their compliance with safety measures and procedures. These sign off sheets provide documentation of adherence to safety protocols.
Instruction and Training
Guidelines for training personnel who might come into contact with asbestos. Proper training ensures awareness of the risks and how to handle situations involving asbestos safely.
Location of Records
The plan details where records related to asbestos are stored. This aids in easy access to crucial information for reference and auditing purposes.
Emergency Procedures
Contingency plans for emergency situations, such as accidental disturbances or damage to asbestos materials, are clearly outlined. These procedures are crucial in minimising the impact of unexpected events.
Material Update & Review Forms
Forms to provide a structured framework for periodic evaluations and revisions to maintain the effectiveness of the asbestos management plan.
Why do I Need an Asbestos Management Plan?
The next step in the process after carrying out an asbestos survey
Essential to effectively manage the asbestos materials in a building
Outlines how to manage the asbestos in relation to any building users
Safeguard the health and safety of building occupants and maintenance workers
Outlines key people and their responsibilities
Contact us.
Get in touch with us today for advice, guidance or a quote.