What is anthrax?
Anthrax is a bacterium (Bacillus anthracis) which lives as spores in the hairs of livestock animals such as horse, cow, ox & goat. These hairs were used as a binding agent in lime plaster which is commonly used in older buildings. This plaster is mainly used as a render on internal and external walls, and lath and plaster to form walls and ceilings within a property. When the plaster is disturbed the hairs can be released from the plaster and the spores become airborne. If the spores are inhaled the bacteria can multiply, spread out in the body, produce toxins, and cause severe illness.
How do I know if I have anthrax in my property?
Pure Check can carry out sampling and surveys to confirm if Anthrax is present in the plaster in your property. Prior to carrying out sampling for Anthrax we’ll discuss your requirements and carry out a desk top assessment to work out if the plaster in your property is likely to contain plaster with animal hair in.
How will you test for Anthrax?
To test for anthrax our surveyors attend your property and carry out a survey to work out which plasters in the property may contain animal hair. We will then work out a sampling strategy that best suits your budget and requirements. The samples are taken from discreet locations to ensure minimal visible damage to the surfaces.
Once the samples have been collected they are sent to the lab where a culture is created to confirm if the animal hair contains the anthrax bacterium.
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