Asbestos Advice for Construction Industry
Project designer or manager
If you are responsible for planning or managing works you need to ensure that an asbestos survey is carried out in line with the scope of the project. This ensures you are compliant and keeps your staff and clients safe from exposure to asbestos. This survey report must be clearly communicated to all relevant parties involved in the project, in particular the site workers who are most likely to disturb asbestos.
Site Worker
If you work in the construction industry it’s important to know which products contain asbestos so you can avoid disturbing them during your work. There are two main ways to understand this, reading the asbestos register and asbestos awareness training.
Always ask for and read the asbestos survey before starting any job, no matter how small the works. The site where you are working and your employer has an obligation to provide you with an asbestos survey that covers the scope of your works. Understanding where the asbestos materials are located will help to prevent you from disturbing asbestos to keep you and others safe. If you do not have a survey its important you request one is carried out prior to starting any work on site.
We also recommend getting asbestos awareness training so you have a good understanding of what materials contain asbestos, where they are located and the risks posed. Please see our asbestos awareness training page for more information.